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I spend many of my working hours inside the terminal, and iTerm2 has been my terminal of choice for many years now.

In addition to the posts below, I also keep a page with some useful tips and tricks:

2 posts

Useful notifications in iTerm2

For some reason, I’ve found that in my career a lot of the work I do ends up involving slow REPL loops: I make a change, run a command, wait for it to finish, and repeat. While I’m sitting there waiting, it’s easy to be distracted by things, and I want my task to bring itself back to my attention when it’s ready. This desire has led me on a multi-year quest to tailor my notifications perfectly, and in this post I’m going to share what I’ve come up with.

Writing iTerm2 Python scripts

iTerm2 is a very powerful piece of software and includes a plugin system that allows you to write Python scripts that terminal programs can take advantage of. In this post, we’re going to write two Python scripts for iTerm2: one to automatically switch to/from Dark Mode, and the second to play a sound on your local speakers when an escape sequence is printed, even over SSH. I’ll also share a few bonus snippets that take advantage of some of iTerm2’s lesser known features.